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Issue No.8

Last updated on 4 May, 2023

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Songseeds - Three Chord Tricks - Conchordance

Songs can and have been written using only one chord - Exodus by Bob Marley for instance.
However this method requires a very strong melody and interesting rhythm to make repeated listenings worthwhile.

The next stage on from the one chord based song is the two chord progression or the TWO CHORD TRICK - with this approach the harmony (chords) add a little more interest from the start of the creative process.

Prior to starting any chord based song it proves wise to understand which chords will work well together.

Attached below is a table showing the scale chords for the KEY OF C MAJOR.
(The chart should be read from left to right).

C major scale chords

These seven chords - C Dm Em F G Am Bdim - form the basic ingredients for chord based song writing.
To generate ALL of the potential two chord combinations a MATRIX based table is required - see next diagram.

Major key chord matrix

The problem with using the standard seven chords generated by the key is that the DIMINISHED CHORD -
(Bdim in the Key of C major) does not sound pleasing to most peoples ears in a popular music context.

Hence it is necessary to generate a suitable replacement rather than omitting the progressions that should use the diminished chord.

The table that follows shows the scale chords for all MAJOR KEY SIGNATURES.

Scale chord table - Major keys

The table of scale chords for all the keys shows that a C major chord only appears in three locations

  • I chord in the key of C major
  • IV chord in the key of G major
  • V chord in the key of F major


If the G major scale chords are rearranged to make C major the subject of the equation (in mathematical terminology) the table below is produced.
In this rearranged state the G major scale is called the C LYDIAN MODE (similarly the unchanged C major scale is called the C IONIAN MODE)

Lydian substituted C major scale chords

Although confusing musical words have been used to describe what has taken place all that has really happened is that the F natural note in the Bdim chord has been replaced with an F# - this changes the chord to Bm.
The tables below show a comparison between the Bdim and Bm chords.

VII dim - B dim VIIm - Bm

The chord matrix can now be reconstructed with Bm taking the place of Bdim - see table that follows.

Major keys scale chord table with Bm substitution

Detailed inspection of the matrix reveals that it is mirrored about the diagonal (shaded green) - in other words C - Dm is the first chord change above the diagonal and Dm - C is the first below it.

In the tables that follow these variations are referred to as ASCENDING and DESCENDING.

The next table shows the generalized relationships for all keys.
In total there are 21 ascending two chord progressions and 21 descending two chord progressions.

Major keys scale chord table with VIIm substitution

The table below details all 15 keys with the appropriate lydian seventh substitution.

Major scale chord table - lydian 7th substitution

Click on the images below to open the relevent pdf file for all 21 two chord progressions in all keys (both ascending and descending) with a lydian seventh substitution.

Ionian mode with lydian 7th substitution - sharps ascending Ionian mode with lydian 7th substitution - sharps descending
Ionian mode with lydian 7th substitution - flats ascending Ionian mode with lydian 7th substitution - flats descending


If the F major scale chords are rearranged to make C major the subject of the equation (in mathematical terminology) the table below is produced.
In this rearranged state the F major scale is called the C MIXOLYDIAN MODE (similarly the unchanged C major scale is called the C IONIAN MODE)

Mixolydian substituted C major scale chords

Although confusing musical words have been used again to describe what has taken place all that has really happened is that the B natural note in the Bdim chord has been replaced with a Bb - this changes the chord to Bb major.
The tables below show a comparison between the Bdim and Bb chords.

VII dim - B dim bVII - Bb

The chord matrix can now be reconstructed with Bb taking the place of Bdim - see table that follows.

Major keys scale chord table with Bb substitution

Detailed inspection of the matrix reveals that it is again mirrored about the diagonal (shaded green) - in other words C, Dm is the first chord change above the diagonal and Dm, C is the first below it.

In the tables that follow these variations are referred to as ASCENDING and DESCENDING.

The next table shows the generalized relationships for all keys.
In total there are 21 ascending two chord progressions and 21 descending two chord progressions.

Major keys scale chord table with bVII substitution

The table below details all 15 keys with the appropriate mixolydian seventh substitution.

Major keys scale chord table - mixolydian substitution

Click on the images below to open the relevent pdf file for all 21 two chord progressions in all keys (both ascending and descending) with a mixolydian seventh substitution.

Ionian mode with mixolydian 7th substitution - sharps ascending Ionian mode with mixolydian 7th substitution - sharps descending
Ionian mode with mixolydian 7th substitution - flats ascending Ionian mode with mixolydian 7th substitution - flats descending

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