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Memorisation of the minor cycle of fifths for the 4-string bass guitar |
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Memorisation of the 3 notes per string natural minor scale box shapes for guitar |
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CAGED4BASS (E1 standard - EADG) C pentatonic major scale box shapes - Donald "Duck" Dunn |
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AGEDC4BASS (E1 standard - EADG) A pentatonic minor scale box shapes - Flea |
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AGEDC4BASS (E1 standard - EADG) A minor blues scale box shapes - John Paul Jones |
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EDCAG octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) F lydian mode box shapes - Joe Satriani |
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CAGED4BASS (E1 standard - EADG) Csus4 arpeggio box shapes - Billy Sheehan |
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CAGED4BASS (E1 standard - EADG) Csus2 arpeggio box shapes - Adam Duce |
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CAGED4BASS (E1 standard - EADG) Cdom7 arpeggio box shapes - Terrence "Geezer" Butler |
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GEDCA octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) G mixolydian mode box shapes - George Benson |
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EDCAG octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) E phrygian mode box shapes - John Petrucci |
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CAGED octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) B locrian mode box shapes - Matt Bellamy |
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CAGED octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) C7sus2/4 pentatonic mode box shapes - Richie Sambora |
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CAGED octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) C6sus2/4 pentatonic mode box shapes - James Root |
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EDCAG octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) E blues scale box shapes - BB King |
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EDCAG octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) three notes per string E phrygian mode box shapes - Mikael Akerfeldt |
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EDCAG octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) three notes per string E natural minor box shapes - Anders Nystrom |
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EDCAG octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) Em arpeggio within 3nps minor scale box shapes - Daniel Gildenlow |
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EDCAG octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) Em7 arpeggio within 3nps minor scale box shapes - Andrew Craigham |
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EDCAG octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) Em(maj7) arpeggio box shapes - Tuomas Saukkonen |
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EDCAG octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) E pentatonic minor scale box shapes - Jarek Smietana |
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EDCAG octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) E major arpeggio box shapes - Gareth Jeffs and Fiachra Kelly |
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EDCAG octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) E major scale box shapes - Norman Brown |
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EDCAG octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) three notes per string E major scale box shapes - Edward Van Halen |
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5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) C major scale box shapes - Keith B Roscoe |
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5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) C major arpeggio box shapes - Michael Modeste |
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6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) C major scale box shapes (3nps) - Roscoe Century Standard 5 |
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6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) C major arpeggio box shapes (3nps) - Vernon Barbary |
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5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) A minor scale box shapes - Pino Palladino |
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5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) A minor arpeggio box shapes - Lee Sklar |
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EDCAG octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) E natural minor scale box shapes - God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen |
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Harmonic minor fifth chord substitutions - We Three Kings of Orient Are |
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8-string guitar (GBEADGBE: Low G) C major scale box shapes - Mårten Hagström |
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8-string guitar (GBEADGBE: Low G) C major arpeggio box shapes - Fredrik Thordendal |
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8-string guitar (GBEADGBE: Low G) A minor scale box shapes - Dino Cazares |
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8-string guitar (GBEADGBE: Low G) A minor arpeggio box shapes - Stephen Carpenter |
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8-string guitar (BEADGBEA: High A) C major scale box shapes - Rusty Cooley |
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8-string guitar (BEADGBEA: High A) C major arpeggio box shapes - Chris Letchford |
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7-string guitar (BEADGBE: Low B) C major scale box shapes - Jeff Loomis |
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7-string guitar (BEADGBE: Low B) C major arpeggio box shapes - Greg Mackintosh |
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5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) C pentatonic major scale box shapes - Andrew Gouche |
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5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) A pentatonic minor scale box shapes - John Myung |
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8-string guitar (GBEADGBE: Low G) C major scale 3nps box shapes - iLLIGHT |
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8-string guitar (GBEADGBE: Low G) C major arpeggio box shapes (3nps ) - Tosin Abasi |
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8-string guitar (GBEADGBE: Low G) A minor scale 3nps box shapes - Trent Hafdahl |
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8-string guitar (GBEADGBE: Low G) A minor arpeggio box shapes (3nps) - Justin Lowe |
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SONGSEEDS major scale 3 chord tricks - Buddy Holly |
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SONGSEEDS major scale 3 chord tricks with mixolydian seventh substitution - Slash |
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SONGSEEDS major scale 3 chord tricks with lydian seventh substitution - Daryl Hall |
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SONGSEEDS natural minor scale 3 chord tricks - John Taylor |
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SONGSEEDS minor scale 3 chord tricks with phrygian second substitution - Bob Seger |
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SONGSEEDS minor scale 3 chord tricks with dorian second substitution - Björn Ulvaeus |
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SONGSEEDS minor scale 3 chord tricks phryg 2nd & harm minor 5th - Carlos Santana |
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SONGSEEDS minor scale 3 chord tricks dorian 2nd & harm minor 5th - Bob Marley |
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AGEDC octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) A pentatonic minor box shapes - Mark Tremonti |
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CAGED octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) C major blues scale box shapes - Albert Lee |
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CAGED octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) C major-minor arpeggio box shapes - Brent Mason |
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CAGED octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) C major arpeggio box shapes - Larry Carlton |
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Roscoe Guitars factory tour - Autumn 2010 |
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6-string guitar (EADGBE: standard tuning) C major blues scale box shapes - Carl Verheyen |
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CAGED octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) C major scale box shapes - Steve Howe |
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CAGED octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) C major-minor arpeggio box shapes - Tony Iommi |
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DCAGE octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) D dorian mode and D minor arpeggio box shapes - Pat Metheny |
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EDCAG octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) E phrygian mode and E minor arpeggio box shapes - Daniel Gilbert |
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AGEDC octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) A aeolian mode and A minor arpeggio box shapes - Richard Thompson |
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7-string guitar (BEADGBE: Low B) A minor scale box shapes - Acle Kahney |
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7-string guitar (BEADGBE: Low B) A minor arpeggio box shapes - James Monteith |
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EDCAG octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) F lydian mode and F major arpeggio box shapes - Paul Waggoner |
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CAGED octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) C ionian mode and C major arpeggio box shapes - Misha Mansoor |
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CAGED4BASS (E1 standard - EADG) C major scale and C major arpeggio box shapes - Billy Sheehan |
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CAGED4BASS (E1 standard - EADG) C pentatonic major and C major arpeggio box shapes - Victor Wooten |
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AGEDC4BASS (E1 standard - EADG) A natural minor scale and A minor arpeggio box shapes - Louis Johnson |
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GEDCA octaves (E1 standard - EADG) G major arpeggio and G mixolydian mode box shapes - Grant Green |
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5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) A minor blues scale box shapes - Derek Forbes |
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5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) C major blues scale box shapes - Aston "Family Man" Barrett |
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6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) C major scale box shapes - Dave Swift |
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6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) C major arpeggio box shapes - Anthony Jackson |
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6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) A natural minor scale box shapes - Steve Bailey |
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6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) A minor arpeggio box shapes - David Goodier |
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6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) C pentatonic major scale box shapes - Jimmy Haslip |
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6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) C natural octave shapes - John Patitucci |
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6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) A pentatonic minor scale box shapes - Gerald Veasley |
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6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) A minor blues scale box shapes - Jerry Burdick |
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6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) A minor-diminished arpeggio box shapes - Bunny Brunel |
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6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) C major blues scale box shapes - Matthew Garrison |
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6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) C major-minor arpeggio box shapes - Brian Bromberg |
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6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) A natural octave shapes - Alain Caron |
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8-string guitar (GBEADGBE: Low G) C pentatonic major scale box shapes - Luke Jaeger |
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8-string guitar (GBEADGBE: Low G) A pentatonic minor scale box shapes - Josh Travis |
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8-string guitar (GBEADGBE: Low G) A minor blues scale box shapes - Zack Uidl |
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8-string guitar (GBEADGBE: Low G) A minor-diminished arpeggio box shapes - Allan Marcus |
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8-string guitar (GBEADGBE: Low G) C major blues scale box shapes - PeteyG |
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8-string guitar (GBEADGBE: Low G) C major-minor arpeggio box shapes - John Browne |
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8-string guitar (GBEADGBE: Low G) C natural octave shapes - Daniel Laskiewicz |
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8-string guitar (GBEADGBE: Low G) C major scale box shapes - Gareth Jeffs |
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8-string guitar (GBEADGBE: Low G) A natural minor scale box shapes - Curran Murphy |
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BEADGB tuned 6-string guitar C major scale box shapes - Adam "Nolly" Getgood |
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BEADGB tuned 6-string guitar C major arpeggio box shapes - Zoltan Bathory |
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BEADGB tuned 6-string guitar C pent major scale box shapes - Robert Westerholt |
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BEADGB tuned 6-string guitar C major blues scale box shapes - Mike Mushok |
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BEADGB tuned 6-string guitar C major-minor arpeggio box shapes - Robb Flynn |
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BEADGB tuned 6-string guitar A natural minor scale box shapes - Schecter Baritone |
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BEADGB tuned 6-string guitar A minor arpeggio box shapes - Carl Bradychok |
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BEADGB tuned 6-string baritone A pentatonic minor box shapes - John Petrucci |
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BEADGB tuned 6-string baritone A minor blues box shapes - Robert Smith |
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BEADGB tuned 6-string A minor-diminished arpeggio box shapes - Martin J28LSE |
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BEADGB tuned 6-string baritone C natural octave shapes - Taylor Baritone 6 |
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BEADGB tuned 6-string baritone A natural octave shapes - Fender Telecaster Baritone |
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BEADGB tuned baritone C major scale (3nps) box shapes - Gibson Explorer baritone |
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BEADGB baritone C octaves and C major scale (3nps) box shapes - Lowden baritone |
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The Modes - Wes Montgomery |
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CAGED octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) B diminished arpeggio box shapes - Doc Powell |
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The Modal arpeggio box shapes - Paul Jackson Jnr |
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5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) C major-minor arpeggio box shapes - Sting |
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5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) A minor-diminished arpeggio box shapes - Dingwall ABII |
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5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) C natural octave shapes - Alex Webster |
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5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGB) A natural octave shapes - Dave Ellefson |
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5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) scale and arpeggio box shapes for C natural plus Dingwall ABII |
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5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) scale and arpeggio box shapes for A natural plus Mayones Caledonius |
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7-string guitar (BEADGBE: Low B) C major scale box shapes - Mark Heylmun |
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7-string guitar (BEADGBE: Low B) C major arpeggio box shapes - Alex Wade |
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7-string guitar (BEADGBE: Low B) A natural minor scale box shapes - Ben Savage |
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7-string guitar (BEADGBE: Low B) C pentatonic major scale box shapes - Zach Householder |
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7-string guitar (BEADGBE: Low B) A minor arpeggio box shapes - Buz McGrath |
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7-string guitar (BEADGBE: Low B) A pentatonic minor scale box shapes - ESP Horizon NT7 |
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7-string guitar (BEADGBE: Low B) C major blues scale box shapes - Stephen Carpenter & ESP STEF-B7 |
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7-string guitar (BEADGBE: Low B) A minor blues scale box shapes - Stephen Carpenter & ESP LTD SC-207 |
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7-string guitar (BEADGBE: Low B) C major-minor arpeggio box shapes - Stephen Carpenter & ESP STEFT7 |
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7-string guitar (BEADGBE: Low B) A minor-dim arpeggio box shapes - Stephen Carpenter & LTD SC-607B |
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7-string guitar (BEADGBE: Low B) A natural octave shapes - Nergal & ESP LTD HEX-7 |
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7-string guitar (BEADGBE: Low B) C natural octave shapes - Bernard Revel & Lowden 7 string acoustic |
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7-string guitar (BEADGBE: Low B) C natural scales and arpeggios - Bart Hennephof and Mayones Regius 7 |
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7-string guitar (BEADGBE: low B) A natural scales and arpeggios - Misha Mansoor and Mayones 7 MM-QT |
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8-string guitar scales and arpeggios for C natural - Stephen Carpenter & LTD SC608B |
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8-string guitar scales and arpeggios for A natural - Tosin Abasi & Ibanez TAM100 |
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CAGED4BASS (E1 standard - EADG) C major arpeggio box shapes - Sandberg California MarloweDK |
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CAGED4BASS (E1 standard - EADG) C major scale box shapes - Huw Foster & Vanderkley Neolite |
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CAGED4BASS (E1 standard - EADG) C pentatonic major scale box shapes - Will Lee & Sadowsky |
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AGEDC4BASS (E1 standard - EADG) A minor arpeggio box shapes - Cello Dias & ESP custom shop bass |
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AGEDC4BASS (E1 standard - EADG) A minor scale box shapes - Adam Clayton |
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AGEDC4BASS (E1 standard - EADG) A pentatonic minor scale box shapes - Paul Denman & MM Stingray |
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AGEDC4BASS (E1 standard - EADG) A minor blues scale box shapes - Jaco Pastorius |
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AGEDC4BASS (E1 standard - EADG) A minor-diminished arpeggio box shapes - T.M. Stevens |
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CAGED4BASS (E1 standard - EADG) C major blues scale box shapes - Jonus Hellborg |
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CAGED4BASS (E1 standard - EADG) C major-minor arpeggio box shapes - Bobby Watson |
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CAGED4BASS (E1 standard - EADG) C natural octave shapes - Larry Graham |
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CAGED4BASS (E1 standard - EADG) scale and arpeggio box shapes for C natural - John Deacon |
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AGEDC4BASS (E1 standard - EADG) A natural octave shapes - Rutger Gunnarsson |
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AGEDC4BASS (E1 standard - EADG) scale and arpeggio box shapes for A natural - Jorge Casas |
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DCAGE4BASS (E1 standard - EADG) D dorian mode box shapes - David Hungate |
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DCAGE4BASS (E1 standard - EADG) D minor arpeggio box shapes - Chuck Rainey |
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DCAGE4BASS (E1 standard - EADG) D natural octave shapes - Jerry Jemmott |
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EDCAG4BASS (E1 standard - EADG) E phrygian mode box shapes - James Jamerson |
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EDCAG4BASS (E1 standard - EADG) E minor arpeggio box shapes - George Porter Jr. |
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EDCAG4BASS (E1 standard - EADG) E natural octave shapes - Ronald Baker |
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EDCAG4BASS (E1 standard - EADG) F lydian mode box shapes - Brubaker Brute |
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EDCAG4BASS (E1 standard - EADG) F major arpeggio box shapes - Rob Allen MB-2 |
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"High C" 5-string bass C major scale box shapes - Overwater Scott Devine |
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8-string guitar (F#BEADGBE: Low F#) C major scale box shapes - Sarah Longfield |
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8-string guitar (F#BEADGBE: Low F#) C major arpeggio box shapes - Keith Merrow |
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8-string guitar (F#BEADGBE: Low F#) C pentatonic major scale box shapes - Sam Bell |
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8-string guitar (F#BEADGBE: Low F#) C major blues box shapes - Fred Brum |
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8-string guitar (EBEADGBE: Drop E) C major scale box shapes - Tosin Abasi |
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8-string guitar (EBEADGBE: Drop E) A minor scale box shapes - Ran Crusher |
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6-string guitar (DADGBE: Drop D) C major scale box shapes - Van Halen D-Tuna |
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6-string guitar (DADGBE: Drop D) A minor scale box shapes - Brian May |
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7-string guitar (AEADGBE: Drop A) C major scale box shapes - Jackson SLATTMGX3-7 |
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7-string guitar (AEADGBE: Drop A) C natural octave shapes - Ran Crusher 7 |
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6-string guitar (DADGBE: Drop D) C natural octave shapes - InTuneGP |
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6-string guitar (DADGBE: Drop D) A natural octave shapes - Mick Jones |
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8-string guitar (EBEADGBE: Drop E) C natural octave shapes - Skervesen Guitars |
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8-string guitar (EBEADGBE: Drop E) A natural octave shapes - Ran Crusher FF8 |
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8-string guitar (F#BEADGBE: Low F#) C natural octave shapes - Ibanez M80M |
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6-string guitar (EADGBE: standard tuning) C octatonic major-minor scale box shapes - Collings I35 Deluxe |
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6-string guitar (EADGBE: standard tuning) F bebop dominant scale box shapes - Roscoe LG332 |
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6-string guitar (EADGBE: standard tuning) F major-dominant arpeggio box shapes - Collings CL Custom |
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CAGED4BASS (EADG: Low E) C octatonic major-minor scale box shapes : Yamaha TRBX |
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EDCAG4BASS (EADG: Low E) F bebop dominant scale box shapes - Dingwall ABZ4 |
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EDCAG4BASS (EADG: Low E) F major-dominant seventh arpeggio box shapes : Dingwall ABI4 |
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5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) BAGED octaves C oct major-minor scale box shapes : Dingwall NG2 |
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5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) EDBAG octaves F bebop dominant scale box shapes : Dingwall Z3 |
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5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) EDBAG octaves F major-dom 7th arpeggio box shapes : Dingwall AB1 |
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7-string guitar (BEADGBE: Low B) C oct major-minor scale box shapes : Schecter Hybrid C7 |
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MusoBrain and EZdraughtsman imagined box shapes : Tom Angell |
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7-string guitar (BEADGBE: Low B) F bebop dominant scale box shapes : PRS SE Custom 7 |
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7-string guitar (BEADGBE: Low B) F major-dom 7th arpeggio box shapes : Chapman ML7-S |
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8-string guitar (F#BEADGBE: Low F#) A minor scale box shapes : Carvin DC800 |
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8-string guitar (F#BEADGBE: Low F#) A minor arpeggio box shapes : ESP E-II HRF NT-8B |
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GEDCA4BASS (EADG: Low E) G mixolydian mode box shapes : Mike Lull PJ4 |
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GEDCA4BASS (EADG: Low E) G major arpeggio box shapes : Sandberg California Ida Nielsen |
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CAGED4BASS (EADG: Low E) B locrian mode box shapes : Rob Allen Mouse Maple 30 fretless four string bass |
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CAGED4BASS (EADG: Low E) B diminished arpeggio box shapes : Xotic XJ-1T |
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CAGED4BASS (EADG: Low E) B natural octave shapes : Sandberg California TM4 |
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EDCAG4BASS (EADG: Low E) F natural octave shapes : Roscoe Signature 4 |
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GEDCA4BASS (EADG: Low E) G natural octave shapes : Roscoe Century 4 Custom |
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CAGED4BASS (EADG: Low E) C natural octaves, major arpeggio & ionian mode box shapes : Mayones BE4 |
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DCAGE4BASS (EADG: Low E) D natural octaves, minor arpeggio & dorian mode box shapes : Rob Allen MB-2 |
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EDCAG4BASS (EADG: Low E) E natural octaves, minor arpeggio & phrygian mode box shapes : Mike Lull V4 |
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EDCAG4BASS (EADG: Low E) F natural octaves, major arpeggio & lydian mode box shapes : Xotic XPJ4 |
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GEDCA4BASS (EADG: Low E) G natural octaves, major arpeggio & mixolydian mode box shapes : Roscoe CS4+ |
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AGEDC4BASS (EADG: Low E) A natural octaves, minor arpeggio & aeolian mode box shapes : Dingwall ABZ4 |
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CAGED4BASS (EADG: Low E) B natural octaves, dim arpeggio & locrian mode box shapes : Dingwall ABZ4 |
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CAGED4BASS (EADG: Low E) C major scale 3nps box shapes : Sandberg California JM4 |
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CAGED4BASS (EADG: Low E) C major arpeggio 3nps box shapes : XOTiC XJ 1T |
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AGEDC4BASS (EADG: Low E) A minor scale 3nps box shapes : XOTiC XJ 1T |
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AGEDC4BASS (EADG: Low E) A minor arpeggio (3nps) box shapes : Mayones Victorious |
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CAGED4BASS (EADG: Low E) C natural (3nps) octave shapes : XOTiC XJ-1T6 |
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AGEDC4BASS (EADG: Low E) A natural (3nps) octave shapes : XOTiC XP4 Chuck Rainey |
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7-string guitar (BEADGBE: Low B) C major scale box shapes : Carvin Kiesel Edition 7-string |
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7-string guitar (BEADGBE: Low B) C major scale 3nps box shapes : Carvin SCB7H |
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7-string guitar (BEADGBE: Low B) A minor scale box shapes : Carvin SCB7M |
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7-string guitar (BEADGBE: Low B) C natural octave shapes : Ran Crusher FT7 |
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7-string guitar (BEADGBE: Low B) A minor scale 3nps box shapes : Ran Crusher 7 |
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7-string guitar (BEADGBE: Low B) C major arpeggio box shapes : Schecter KM-7 |
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7-string guitar (BEADGBE: Low B) C major arpeggio (3nps) box shapes : Tom Anderson DropTop7 |
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MusoBrain and EZdraughtsman imagined box shapes : Carvin Kiesel DC7X |
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Carvin Guitars Factory Tour Autumn 2014 : Jeff Kiesel |
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7-string guitar (BEADGBE: Low B) A minor arpeggio box shapes : Carvin SC700C |
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7-string guitar (BEADGBE: Low B) arpeggio (3nps) box shapes : Carvin 7-strings |
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5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) BAGED octaves C major scale box shapes : Roscoe Century Signature 5 |
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5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) BAGED octaves C major arpeggio box shapes : Mayones Slogan 5 Gothic |
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5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) BAGED octaves C major scale 3nps box shapes : Roscoe Century Signature 5 |
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5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) BAGED octaves C major arpeggio (3nps) box shapes : Roscoe CS5 Lined Fretless |
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5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) AGEDB octaves A minor scale box shapes : Sandberg California TM5 |
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5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) AGEDB octaves A minor arpeggio box shapes : Mike Lull BBM5 |
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5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) AGEDB octaves A minor scale 3nps box shapes : Sandberg California TM5 |
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5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) AGEDB octaves A minor arpeggio (3nps) box shapes : Roscoe CS5+ |
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6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) C major scale box shapes : Yamaha TRB JP II |
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6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) C major arpeggio box shapes : Roscoe CS6+ |
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6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) A minor scale box shapes : XOTiC XJ-1T6 |
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6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) A minor arpeggio box shapes : MTD 635 |
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6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) C major scale 3nps box shapes : Roscoe CS6+ Fretless |
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6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGCB0 standard - BEADGC) C major arpeggio (3nps) box shapes : Dingwall AB1 |
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6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) A minor scale 3nps box shapes : Roscoe SKB3006 fretless |
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6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) A minor arpeggio (3nps) box shapes : Roscoe LG3006 Custom |
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6-string guitar CAGED octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) C major scale box shapes : Carvin Frank Gambale |
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6-string guitar CAGED octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) C major scale 3nps box shapes : Carvin GH24 |
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6-string guitar CAGED octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) C major arpeggio box shapes : Mike Lull M5V |
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6-string guitar CAGED octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) C major arpeggio (3nps) box shapes : XOTiC XJ-1T5 |
281 |
6-string guitar AGEDC octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) A minor scale box shapes : Mike Lull PJ4 |
282 |
6-string guitar AGEDC octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) A minor arpeggio box shapes : Mayones V-Fret Patriot 5 |
283 |
6-string guitar AGEDC octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) A minor scale 3nps box shapes : Mayones BE5 Gothic Exotic |
284 |
6-string guitar AGEDC octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) A minor arpeggio (3nps) box shapes : Pedulla MVP5 |
285 |
6-string guitar DCAGE octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) D dorian mode box shapes : Pedulla MVP4 |
286 |
6-string guitar DCAGE octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) D minor arpeggio box shapes : Pedulla MVP PentaBuzz 5 |
287 |
6-string guitar DCAGE octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) D dorian mode 3nps box shapes : Pedulla MVP PentaBuzz4 |
288 |
6-string guitar DCAGE octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) D minor arpeggio (3nps) box shapes : Mayones BE5 Ash |
289 |
6-string guitar EDCAG octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) E phrygian mode box shapes : Pedulla MVP PentaBuzz4 |
290 |
6-string guitar EDCAG octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) E minor arpeggio box shapes : Dingwall ABZ5 Pupleburst |
291 |
6-string guitar EDCAG octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) E phrygian mode 3nps box shapes : Sandberg Cali VM5 |
292 |
6-string guitar EDCAG octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) E minor arpeggio (3nps) box shapes : Rob Allen mb-2
293 |
6-string guitar EDCAG octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) F lydian mode box shapes : XOTiC XJ-1T5 24 fret |
294 |
6-string guitar EDCAG octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) F major arpeggio box shapes : XOTiC XJ-1T5 |
295 |
6-string guitar EDCAG octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) F lydian mode 3nps box shapes : Sandberg Californis TT4 |
296 |
6-string guitar CAGED octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) standard & 3nps C natural octave shapes : Roscoe SKB6 |
297 |
6-string guitar EDCAG octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) F major arpeggio (3nps) box shapes : Yamaha Att Ltd III |
298 |
6-string guitar GEDCA octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) G mixolydian mode box shapes : Dingwall ABII |
299 |
6-string guitar GEDCA octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) G major arpeggio box shapes : Mike Lull PJ5 |
300 |
6-string guitar CAGED octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) "standard" modal octave shapes : Roscoe CS5 Custom |
301 |
6-string guitar CAGED octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) 3nps modal octave shapes : XOTiC XP4 |
302 |
6-string guitar GEDCA octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) G mixolydian mode 3nps box shapes : Mike Lull V5 |
303 |
6-string guitar GEDCA octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) G major arpeggio (3nps) box shapes : Xotic XJ-1T 5 |
304 |
6-string guitar CAGED octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) B locrian mode box shapes : Dingwall ABZ5 Midnightburst |
305 |
6-string guitar CAGED octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) B diminished arpeggio box shapes : Dingwall ABZ6 Natural |
306 |
6-string guitar (EADGBE: standard tuning) The Modes : Roscoe SKB Custom |
307 |
6-string guitar (EADGBE: standard tuning) The Modal Arpeggios : Spector NS5-H2-FM wide neck |
308 |
6-string guitar CAGED octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) C pent major scale pseudo 3nps box shapes : Spector NS2 |
309 |
6-string guitar CAGED octaves (EADGBE: standard tuning) B locrian mode 3nps box shapes : Mike Lull M4V |
310 |
6-string guitar (EADGBE: standard tuning) The Modes (3nps) : Kiesel K-Series Guitars |
311 |
6-string guitar (EADGBE: standard tuning) CAGED octaves B diminished arpeggio (3nps) box shapes : Mike Lull M4V |
312 |
6-string guitar (EADGBE: standard tuning) The Modal Arpeggios (3nps) : XOTiC XJ-1T 5 “Lightweight” |
313 |
5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) BAGED octaves C nat octaves, maj arp & ionian mode box shapes : Dingwall ABII |
314 |
5-string bass BAGED oct C nat oct, maj arp & ion mode 3nps box shapes: Dingwall ABII fretless |
315 |
6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) C natural octaves, major arpeggio & ionian mode box shapes : Roscoe C6FL |
316 |
6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) C nat oct, maj arp & ionian mode 3nps box shapes: Roscoe LG5 Custom |
317 |
CAGED4BASS (EADG: Low E) C nat oct, maj arp & ionian mode 3nps box shapes: Roscoe Century 5 Custom |
318 |
7-string guitar (BEADGBE: Low B) C natural octaves, major arpeggio & ionian mode box shapes : Mayones Jabba5 |
319 |
7-string guitar (BEADGBE: Low B) C nat oct, maj arp & ionian mode 3nps box shapes: XOTiC XJ-1T 5 “Lightweight” |
320 |
8-string guitar (GBEADGBE: Low G) C natural octave shapes: Dingwall SJ 5/3 |
321 |
8-string guitar (GBEADGBE: Low G) C major arpeggio box shapes : Yamaha TRB1006 |
322 |
8-string guitar (GBEADGBE: Low G) C major arpeggio 3nps box shapes : Vigier Passion IV |
323 |
8-string guitar (GBEADGBE: Low G) C major scale box shapes : Overwater Progress C7 |
324 |
8-string guitar (GBEADGBE: Low G) C major scale 3nps box shapes : Vigier Custom 4 |
325 |
8-string guitar (GBEADGBE: Low G) C natural 3nps octave shapes: Vigier Passion IV Custom 5 |
326 |
6-string guitar (DADGBE: Drop D) C major arpeggio box shapes : Peavey Cirrus |
327 |
6-string guitar (DADGBE: Drop D) C major scale box shapes : Mayones BE4 Ash Custom |
328 |
6-string guitar (DADGBE: Drop D) C major scale 3nps box shapes : Roscoe 5 P/J STD |
329 |
6-string guitar (DADGBE: Drop D) C major arpeggio (3nps) box shapes : XOTiC XJ-1T 5 |
330 |
6-string guitar (DADGBE: Drop D) C natural 3nps octave shapes : Dingwall ABI 5/3 |
331 |
7-string guitar (AEADGBE: Drop A) C major scale box shapes : Roscoe Century 5MM STD |
332 |
7-string guitar (AEADGBE: Drop A) C major arpeggio box shapes : Mike Lull M4V |
333 |
7-string guitar (AEADGBE: Drop A) C major scale 3nps box shapes : Mayones Jabba4 |
334 |
7-string guitar (AEADGBE: Drop A) C major arpeggio (3nps) box shapes : Dingwall SJ4x3 |
335 |
7-string guitar (AEADGBE: Drop A) C natural octave shapes : Yamaha TRB JP II |
336 |
7-string guitar (AEADGBE: Drop A) C natural 3nps octave shapes : Yamaha BB NE II |
337 |
8-string guitar (F#BEADGBE: Low F#) C major scale box shapes : Roscoe SKB 6 Custom |
338 |
8-string guitar (F#BEADGBE: Low F#) C major arpeggio box shapes : Spector Euro4LX |
339 |
8-string guitar (F#BEADGBE: Low F#) C major scale 3nps box shapes : Pedulla PentaBuzz6 |
340 |
8-string guitar (F#BEADGBE: Low F#) C major arpeggio (3nps) box shapes : Roscoe SKB 6 |
341 |
8-string guitar (F#BEADGBE: Low F#) C natural octaves : Mayones Pi 3 Slap Machine Custom |
342 |
8-string guitar (F#BEADGBE: Low F#) C natural 3nps octaves : Ernie Ball Musicman Stingray 4 -1978 |
343 |
8-string guitar (F#BEADGBE: Low F#) C natural octaves, major arpeggio & ionian mode box shapes : MTD 535-24 |
344 |
8-string guitar (F#BEADGBE: Low F#) C nat octs, maj arp & ionian mode 3nps box shapes : Dingwall ABZ 5/3 |
345 |
8-string guitar (GBEADGBE: Low G) C natural octaves, major arpeggio & ionian mode box shapes : XOTiC XJ-1T 5 |
346 |
8-string guitar (GBEADGBE: Low G) C nat octs, maj arp & ionian mode 3nps box shapes : Dingwall Super P/J 5 |
347 |
7-string guitar (AEADGBE: Drop A) C natural octaves, major arpeggio & ionian mode box shapes : Roscoe Century 5 |
348 |
7-string guitar (AEADGBE: Drop A) C nat octs, maj arp & ionian mode 3nps box shapes : Rob Allen MB2 |
349 |
6-string guitar (DADGBE: Drop D) C natural octaves, major arpeggio & ionian mode box shapes : Lakland 55 94 USA |
350 |
6-string guitar (DADGBE: Drop D) C nat octs, maj arp & ionian mode 3nps box shapes : Pedulla Nuance 4 |
351 |
AGEDC4BASS (EADG: Low E) A natural octaves, minor arpeggio & aeolian mode 3nps box shapes : Roscoe C5 STD+ |
352 |
5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) AGEDB octaves A nat oct, minor arp & aeo mode box shapes : Overwater Perception 5 |
353 |
8-string guitar (F#BEADGBE: Low F#) C pentatonic major scale box shapes : Maruszczyk Frog Omega 4A |
354 |
8-string guitar (F#BEADGBE: Low F#) C pentatonic major scale pseudo 3nps box shapes : Mayones Jabba 4 Classic |
355 |
8-string guitar (F#BEADGBE: Low F#) C pentatonic major scale 31313131 sweep patterns : Pedulla PentaBuzz5 |
356 |
8-string guitar (F#BEADGBE: Low F#) C pentatonic major scale 13131313 sweep patterns : XOTiC XP-1T 4 |
357 |
6-string guitar (EADGBE: standard tuning) C pentatonic major scale pseudo 3nps box shapes : Rob Allen Mb2 5 |
358 |
6-string guitar (EADGBE: standard tuning) C pent maj scale 313131 sweep patterns: XOTiC XJ-1T 5 “Lightweight” |
359 |
6-string guitar (EADGBE: standard tuning) C pent maj scale 131313 sweep patterns: Sandberg California II VS5 |
360 |
7-string guitar (BEADGBE: Low B) C pentatonic major scale box shapes : Rob Allen Mb-2 Maple Fretless |
361 |
7-string guitar (BEADGBE: Low B) C pentatonic major scale pseudo 3nps box shapes : Dingwall ABZ5 Purpleburst |
362 |
7-string guitar (BEADGBE: Low B) C pentatonic major scale 3131313 sweep patterns : Musicman Stingray 4H PDN |
363 |
7-string guitar (BEADGBE: Low B) C pentatonic major scale 1313131 sweep patterns : Mike Lull M5V |
364 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) C major scale box shapes - MARUSZCZYK Elwood L5A 24 Etimoe Top |
365 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) C major arpeggio box shapes - Roscoe Century 6 STD+ Ziracote Top |
366 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) C natural octave shapes : Yamaha TRB JP II Red |
367 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) C nat octaves, major arpeggio & ionian mode box shapes : Sandberg Ida Nielsen |
368 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) C major scale 3nps box shapes - Pedulla Buzz Fretless |
369 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) C major arpeggio (3nps) box shapes - MARUSZCZYK Wojtek Pilichowski |
370 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) C natural (3nps) octave shapes : XOTiC XJ-1T 5 “Lightweight” |
371 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) C nat octaves, major arpeggio & ionian mode 3nps box shapes : Roscoe C4 STD+ |
372 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) A minor scale (aeolian mode) box shapes - Sandberg California II TT4 |
373 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) A minor arpeggio box shapes - Peavey Cirrus USA 6NT |
374 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) A minor scale (aeolian mode) 3nps box shapes - Ernie Ball Musicman SR4H |
375 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) A minor arpeggio (3nps) box shapes - Shuker JM5 |
376 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) A natural octave shapes : Pedulla Rapture JJ5 NPG |
377 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) A natural 3nps octave shapes : Rob Allen Deep 4 |
378 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) A nat octaves, minor arp & minor scale box shapes : Stambaugh Resonance 5 |
379 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) A nat octaves, minor arp & minor scale 3nps box shapes : Dingwall Z3 6-string |
380 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) D dorian mode box shapes - ACG Krell 5 fretless |
381 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) D minor arpeggio box shapes - MTD Norm Stockton Saratoga |
382 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) D dorian mode 3nps box shapes - XOTiC XJ-1T 5 “Lightweight” |
383 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) D minor arpeggio (3nps) box shapes - Dingwall ABZ 6/3 |
384 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) E phrygian mode box shapes - Dingwall ABI 5/3 |
385 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) E minor arpeggio box shapes - Dingwall Combustion 4 |
386 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) E phrygian mode 3nps box shapes - Roscoe Century JM4 STD+ |
387 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) E minor arpeggio (3nps) box shapes - MARUSZCZYK Elwood 4P: 30" scale |
388 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) F lydian mode box shapes - XOTiC XP5 |
389 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) F major arpeggio box shapes - Mike Lull M5 |
390 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) F lydian mode 3nps box shapes - Roscoe Century JM4 STD+ |
391 |
BAGED4BASS (BEAD: Low B) C major scale box shapes - Dingwall AB AR5 |
392 |
6-string guitar (EADGBE: standard tuning) Minor pentatonic Cycle of Fifths Blanket Blues : Yamaha TRB 4II |
393 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) F major arpeggio (3nps) box shapes - Esh Stinger 4 |
394 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) G mixolydian mode box shapes - Dingwall Z3-5 |
395 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) G major arpeggio box shapes - Yamaha BB NE-II Black |
396 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) G mixolydian mode 3nps box shapes - Fender Jazz 4 Candy Apple Red |
397 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) G major arpeggio (3nps) box shapes - Ernie Ball Stingray 4H 20th Anniversary |
398 |
6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) A nat octaves, minor arp & minor scale box shapes : Yamaha TRB JP-I Amber |
399 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) B locrian mode box shapes - Yamaha BB NE-II White |
400 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) B diminished arpeggio box shapes - Yamaha TRB1004J |
401 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) B locrian mode 3nps box shapes - Mayones Jabba 5 Hadrien Feraud |
402 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) B diminished arpeggio (3nps) box shapes - Dingwall Lee Sklar |
403 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) D natural standard and 3nps octave shapes : ESP LTD RB-1004 |
404 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) E natural standard and 3nps octave shapes : ESP LTD 206 SM |
405 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) F natural standard and 3nps octave shapes : Fender USA Deluxe Jazz 5 |
406 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) G natural standard and 3nps octave shapes : ACG Salace 6 |
407 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) B natural standard and 3nps octave shapes : Dingwall D-Bird |
5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) BAGED octaves C pentatonic major scale box shapes : MTD 534-24 Spalted Maple |
409 |
4-string bass (EADG: Low E) CAGED4BASS C pentatonic major scale box shapes : XOTiC XJ-1T 5 : 24 Fret |
410 |
8-string guitar (EBEADGBE: Drop E) C pentatonic major scale box shapes : MTD 534/24 Buckeye Burl |
411 |
6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) BCAGED octaves C pentatonic major scale box shapes : Dingwall SJ5-3 |
412 |
6-string guitar (DADGBE: Drop D) C pentatonic major scale box shapes : Mayones Jabba Classic 5 Fretless |
413 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) The Modes - Yamaha TRBX 604 FM |
414 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) The Modal Arpeggios - MTD 535-24 |
415 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) The Modes 3nps box shapes- MTD Super 5 Trans Black |
416 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) The Modal Arpeggios (3nps) box shapes- MARUSZCZYK Elwood L5A Gold |
417 |
7-string guitar (AEADGBE: Drop A) C pentatonic major scale box shapes - Sadowsky NYC Deluxe Satin 4 |
418 |
CAGED4BASS (EADG: Low E) C major blues scale box shapes - Modulus Q6 Bubinga |
419 |
5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) C major blues scale box shapes - Dingwall ABZ6 Natural Satin |
420 |
6-string guitar (EADGBE: standard tuning) C major blues scale box shapes : Mayones Slogan 5 Gothic |
421 |
6-string guitar (EADGBE: standard tuning) C major-minor arpeggio box shapes : XOTiC XJ1T-5 |
422 |
7-string guitar (BEADGBE: Low B) C major blues scale box shapes : Dingwall ABI 5/3 |
423 |
7-string guitar (BEADGBE: Low B) C major-minor arpeggio box shapes : Yamaha TRB PII Ovankol |
424 |
CAGED4BASS (EADG: Low E) C major-minor arpeggio box shapes - Yamaha TRP4P Trans Amber |
425 |
5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) C major-minor arpeggio box shapes - MARUSZCZYK Jake L4A PJ |
426 |
6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) BCAGED octaves C major blues scale box shapes : MARUSZCZYK Elwood X5A |
427 |
6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) BCAGED octaves C major-minor arpeggio box shapes : Yamaha TRB5 PII |
428 |
5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) C major scale box shapes - MTD 532/24 Lynn Keller Myrtle Burl 32" scale |
429 |
5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) C major arpeggio box shapes - MTD 535/24 Myrtle Burl Blueburst |
430 |
5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) A minor scale box shapes - MTD Norm Stockton Saratoga |
431 |
5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) A minor arpeggio box shapes - Dingwall ABZ 6/3 Indigoburst |
432 |
5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) A pentatonic minor arpeggio box shapes - Dingwall Super J4 |
433 |
5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) A minor blues scale box shapes - Sandberg California II MarloweDK |
434 |
5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) A minor-diminished arpeggio box shapes - Fodera Emperor II Elite 5 |
435 |
5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) C natural and A natural octaves - Dingwall NG2-5 Ducati White |
436 |
5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) C natural essential scales and arpeggios - Dingwall ABZ-5 |
437 |
5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) A natural essential scales and arpeggios - Dingwall ABZ-5/3 |
438 |
6-string guitar (DADGBE: Drop D) C major blues scale box shapes : MARUSZCZYK Elwood L5A |
439 |
6-string guitar (DADGBE: Drop D) C major-minor arpeggio box shapes : Ernie Ball Musicman Stingray 4H |
440 |
6-string guitar (DADGBE: Drop D) A minor arpeggio box shapes : Musicman Stingray 4 Old Smoothie Mint Green |
441 |
6-string guitar (DADGBE: Drop D) A pentatonic minor scale box shapes : XOTiC XJ-Pro1 White |
442 |
6-string guitar (DADGBE: Drop D) A minor blues scale box shapes : XOTiC XJ-Pro1 White |
443 |
6-string guitar (DADGBE: Drop D) A minor-diminished arpeggio box shapes : Dingwall Super J5 Vintageburst FMT |
444 |
6-string guitar (DADGBE: Drop D) C natural and A natural octave shapes : Yamaha TRB JP II Red |
445 |
6-string guitar (DADGBE: Drop D) C natural essential scales and arpeggios - Yamaha BB NE-II |
446 |
6-string guitar (DADGBE: Drop D) A natural essential scales and arpeggios - Dingwall Super PJ4 Vintage White |
447 |
7-string guitar (AEADGBE: Drop A) C major scale box shapes : Dingwall ABZ 5/3 Vintageburst Darkglass EQ |
448 |
7-string guitar (AEADGBE: Drop A) C major arpeggio box shapes : Mayones BE4 Exotic |
449 |
7-string guitar (AEADGBE: Drop A) C major scale 3nps box shapes : Dingwall AB HS 5/3 Natural |
450 |
7-string guitar (AEADGBE: Drop A) C major scale 3nps box shapes : MTD 535/24 Sassafras "10 Top " |
451 |
8-string guitar (EAEADGBE: Drop E + Drop A) C major scale box shapes : Caparison Apple Horn 8 EF |
452 |
8-string guitar (EAEADGBE: Drop E + Drop A) C major arpeggio box shapes : MM Stingray 5HS Charcoal Sparkle |
453 |
7-string guitar (AEADGBE: Drop A) C major blues scale box shapes : MARUSZCZYK Sputnik 5A Ziracote Top |
454 |
7-string guitar (AEADGBE: Drop A) C major-minor arpeggio box shapes : Dingwall NG3-5 Satin Sea Laguna Blue |
455 |
7-string guitar (AEADGBE: Drop A) A minor scale box shapes : Dingwall Lee Sklar III Candy Purple/Pink Metallic |
456 |
7-string guitar (AEADGBE: Drop A) A minor arpeggio box shapes : Dingwall ABZ 6/3 Ferrari Yellow |
457 |
7-string guitar (AEADGBE: Drop A) A pentatonic minor arpeggio box shapes : MARUSZCZYK Frog Omega 5A Trans Red |
458 |
7-string guitar (AEADGBE: Drop A) A minor blues scale box shapes : MARUSZCZYK Wojtek Pilichowski Pi Bass 4 Blue |
459 |
7-string guitar (AEADGBE: Drop A) A minor-diminished arpeggio box shapes : Mayones Jabba 5 Classic JJ Gloss White |
460 |
7-string guitar (AEADGBE: Drop A) C natural essential major scales and arpeggios - Ernie Ball Musicman Stingray 4H |
461 |
7-string guitar (AEADGBE: Drop A) A natural essential minor scales and arpeggios - Pedulla Nuance 5 Maple Top |
462 |
8-string guitar (EBEADGBE: Drop E) C major blues scale box shapes : Dingwall ABZ 6/3 Ceruse Blue |
463 |
8-string guitar (EBEADGBE: Drop E) C major-minor arpeggio box shapes : Dingwall Super J5-3 Black Gloss |
464 |
8-string guitar (EBEADGBE: Drop E) A pentatonic minor box shapes : Mayones Jabba Custom V Fret 4 |
465 |
8-string guitar (EBEADGBE: Drop E) C natural essential major scales and arpeggios - Dingwall Combustion NG2-6 |
466 |
8-string guitar (EBEADGBE: Drop E) A minor blues box shapes : Dingwall NG2-4 Mopar Purple |
467 |
8-string guitar (EBEADGBE: Drop E) A minor-diminished arpeggio box shapes : Dingwall NG3-5 Darkglass Ltd Edition |
468 |
CAGED4BASS (EADG: Low E) C major scale box shapes - Dingwall NG3-4 Mopar Purple Swirl |
469 |
CAGED4BASS (EADG: Low E) C major scale 3nps box shapes - Dingwall NG2-5 Ducati White Swirl |
470 |
CAGED4BASS (EADG: Low E) C major arpeggio box shapes - Dingwall ABZ-5 Redburst |
471 |
CAGED4BASS (EADG: Low E) C major arpeggio (3nps) box shapes - Sandberg California II TSBS LY |
472 |
6-string guitar (EADGBE: standard tuning) C major scale box shapes : Ernie Ball Musicman Stingray 5H Chopper Blue |
473 |
6-string guitar (EADGBE: standard tuning) C major scale 3nps box shapes : Musicman Stingray 5 Classic |
474 |
6-string guitar (EADGBE: standard tuning) C major arpeggio box shapes : Dingwall ABI 5/3 Pelham Blue |
475 |
6-string guitar (EADGBE: standard tuning) C major arpeggio (3nps) box shapes : D'Angelico EX4 Sunburst |
476 |
7-string guitar (BEADGBE: Low B) C major scale box shapes : Mayones Jabba Classic 5 Fretless Dirty Blue FMT |
477 |
7-string guitar (BEADGBE: Low B) C major scale 3nps box shapes : Dingwall Super P/J 5 Tone Sunburst Ziracote |
478 |
7-string guitar (BEADGBE: Low B) C major arpeggio box shapes : Dingwall NG2-5 Laguna Seca Blue Swirl |
479 |
7-string guitar (BEADGBE: Low B) C major arpeggio (3nps) box shapes : Dingwall ABZ6/3 Whalepoolburst |
480 |
5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) C major scale (ionian mode) box shapes - Dingwall ABZ5 Natural Wenge Neck |
481 |
5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) C major scale (ionian mode) 3nps box shapes : Mayones Jabba Classic 5 Graphite FMT |
482 |
5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) C major arpeggio box shapes - Ernie Ball Music Man Bongo 5HH Wild Cherryburst |
483 |
5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) C major arpeggio (3nps) box shapes : Roscoe Century 4 Custom 5A Quilted Maple Top |
484 |
8-string guitar (F#BEADGBE: Low F#) C major scale (ionian mode) box shapes : Dingwall Z3-5 Gold |
485 |
8-string guitar (F#BEADGBE: Low F#) C major scale (ionian mode) 3nps box shapes : Mayones Viking VF |
486 |
8-string guitar (F#BEADGBE: Low F#) C major arpeggio box shapes : Sadowsky NYC Deluxe Satin 5/21 |
487 |
8-string guitar (F#BEADGBE: Low F#) C major arpeggio (3nps) box shapes : Yamaha BB NE2 White |
488 |
6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) C major scale (ionian mode) box shapes : Dingwall ABZ 6/3 Transwhite |
489 |
6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) C major scale (ionian mode) 3nps box shapes : Dingwall ABZ 4/3 Faded Blue Denim |
490 |
6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) C major arpeggio box shapes : Mayones Viking 4 Machines |
491 |
6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) C major arpeggio box shapes (3nps) : Strandberg Prog 5 |
492 |
6-string guitar (DADGBC: Drop D) C major scale (ionian mode) box shapes : Xotic XJ Pro-1 |
493 |
6-string guitar (DADGBC: Drop D) C major scale (ionian mode) 3nps box shapes : Strandberg Original 5 |
494 |
6-string guitar (DADGBC: Drop D) C major arpeggio box shapes : Dingwall Super ABII 5/3 Charcoal-Pinkburst |
495 |
6-string guitar (DADGBC: Drop D) C major arpeggio box shapes (3nps) : Dingwall Z3-5 Vertigo Colour Shift |
496 |
7-string guitar (AEADGBE: Drop A) C major scale (ionian mode) shapes : Mayones Patriot 5 Tank |
497 |
7-string guitar (AEADGBE: Drop A) C major scale (ionian mode) 3nps box shapes : Dingwall Super P/J 5 Ari Gold |
498 |
7-string guitar (AEADGBE: Drop A) C major arpeggio shapes : Dingwall Combustion 5 Indigoburst |
499 |
7-string guitar (AEADGBE: Drop A) C major arpeggio shapes (3nps) : Xotic XJ-1T5 Lightweight Surf Green |
500 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) C major scale (ionian mode) box shapes - Dingwall Z3-5 Green-Blue R-burst |
501 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) C major scale (ionian mode) 3nps box shapes - Dingwall ABI 5/3 T-Blackburst |
502 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) C major arpeggio box shapes - Ibanez BTB775 |
503 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBE) C major arpeggio box shapes (3nps) - Dingwall Super PJ4 Blueberry Fretless |
504 |
6-string bass (Drop A - AEADGC) C major scale (ionian mode) box shapes - Duran Duran: Come Undone |
505 |
6-string bass (Drop A - AEADGC) C major scale (ionian mode) 3nps box shapes - Foreigner: Head Games |
506 |
6-string bass (Drop A - AEADGC) C major arpeggio box shapes - Belinda Carlisle: Heaven Is A Place On Earth |
507 |
6-string bass (Drop A - AEADGC) C major arpeggio shapes (3nps) box shapes - Lisa Loeb: Stay (I Missed You) |
508 |
5-string bass (Drop A - AEADG) C major scale (ionian mode) box shapes - The Smiths: Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now |
509 |
5-string bass (Drop A - AEADG) C major scale (ionian mode) 3nps box shapes - A Flock Of Seagulls: I Ran (So Far Away) |
510 |
5-string bass (Drop A - AEADG) C major arpeggio box shapes - Whitney Houston: I'm Every Woman |
511 |
5-string bass (Drop A - AEADG) C major arpeggio shapes (3nps) box shapes - Beggar & Co. : (Somebody) Help Me Out |
512 |
4-string bass (B0 standard - BEAD) C major scale (ionian mode) box shapes - Freeez: Southern Freeez |
513 |
4-string bass (B0 standard - BEAD) C major scale (ionian mode) box shapes (3nps) - Rick Astley : Never Gonna Give You Up |
514 |
4-string bass (B0 standard - BEAD) C major arpeggio box shapes - Kings Of Lyon: Revelry |
515 |
4-string bass (B0 standard - BEAD) C major arpeggio box shapes (3nps) - Champaign : How 'Bout Us |
516 |
5-string bass (High C - EADGC) C major scale (ionian mode) box shapes - EW&F: Fantasy |
517 |
5-string bass (High C - EADGC) C major scale (ionian mode) box shapes (3nps) - Genesis: Turn It On Again |
518 |
5-string bass (High C - EADGC) C major arpeggio box shapes - Cream: White Room |
519 |
5-string bass (High C - EADGC) C major arpeggio box shapes (3nps) - David Bowie: Ziggy Stardust |
520 |
5-string bass (Drop D + High C - DADGC) C major scale (ionian mode) box shapes - Bruno Mars: Locked Out Of Heaven |
521 |
5-string bass (Drop D + High C - DADGC) C major scale (ionian mode) box shapes (3nps) - Sister Sledge: He's The Greatest Dancer |
522 |
5-string bass (Drop D + High C - DADGC) C major arpeggio box shapes - Rose Royce: Love Don't Live Here Anymore |
523 |
5-string bass (Drop D + High C - DADGC) C major arpeggio box shapes (3nps) - Huey Lewis & The News: The Power Of Love |
524 |
6-string bass (F#0 standard - F#BEADG) C major scale (ionian mode) box shapes - Alice Cooper: Poison |
525 |
6-string bass (F#0 standard - F#BEADG) C major scale (ionian mode) box shapes (3nps) - Estelle: American Boy |
526 |
6-string bass (F#0 standard - F#BEADG) C major arpeggio box shapes - Bee Gees: Stayin' Alive |
527 |
6-string bass (F#0 standard - F#BEADG) C major arpeggio box shapes (3nps) - Kool & the Gang: Ladies Night |
528 |
6-string bass (Drop E0 - EBEADG) C major scale (ionian mode) box shapes - Mazzy Star: Into Dust |
529 |
6-string bass (Drop E0 - EBEADG) C major scale (ionian mode) box shapes (3nps) - Simple Minds: Promised You A Miracle |
530 |
6-string bass (Drop E0 - EBEADG) C major arpeggio box shapes - Hall & Oates: Private Eyes |
531 |
6-string bass (Drop E0 - EBEADG) C major arpeggio box shapes (3nps) - Gloria Estefan: Can't Stay Away From You |
532 |
Fender Bass VI (E1 standard - EADGCF) C major scale (ionian mode) box shapes - Michael McDonald: I Keep Forgettin' (Every Time You're Near) |
533 |
Fender Bass VI (E1 standard - EADGCF) C major scale (ionian mode) box shapes (3nps) - Lenny Kravitz: Always On The Run |
534 |
Fender Bass VI (E1 standard - EADGCF) C major arpeggio box shapes - Christopher Cross: Ride Like The Wind |
535 |
Fender Bass VI (E1 standard - EADGCF) C major arpeggio box shapes (intra-3nps) - Police: Message In A Bottle |
536 |
7-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGCF) C major scale (ionian mode) box shapes - Michael Jackson: Beat It |
537 to 551 : Temporarily held in abeyance |
552 |
Meshuggah's 8-string guitar (F B♭ E♭ A♭ D♭ G♭ B♭ E♭) C major scale (ionian mode) box shapes - Meshuggah:Combustion |
553 |
Meshuggah's 8-string guitar (F B♭ E♭ A♭ D♭ G♭ B♭ E♭) C major scale (ionian mode) 3nps box shapes - Jamiroquai: Cosmic Girl |
554 |
Meshuggah's 8-string guitar (F B♭ E♭ A♭ D♭ G♭ B♭ E♭) C major arpeggio box shapes - Bad Company:Feel Like Makin' Love |
555 |
Meshuggah's 8-string guitar (F B♭ E♭ A♭ D♭ G♭ B♭ E♭) C major arpeggio box shapes (3nps) - Roxy Music: Love is the Drug |
556 |
Baritone 6-string guitar (B1 standard - BEADF#B) C major scale (ionian mode) box shapes - E King: Love Come Down |
557 |
Baritone 6-string guitar (B1 standard - BEADF#B) C major scale (ionian mode) 3nps box shapes - Roachford: Cuddly Toy |
558 |
Baritone 6-string guitar (B1 standard - BEADF#B) C major arpeggio box shapes - Frankie Valli: Beggin' |
559 |
Baritone 6-string guitar (B1 standard - BEADF#B) C major arpeggio box shapes (3nps) - Jackson 5: I Want You Back |
560 |
Baritone 6-string guitar (Drop A - AEADF#B) C major scale (ionian mode) box shapes - Rufus & Chaka Khan: Ain't Nobody |
561 |
Baritone 6-string guitar (Drop A - AEADF#B) C major scale (ionian mode) 3nps box shapes - Human League: Love Action |
562 |
Baritone 6-string guitar (Drop A - AEADF#B) C major arpeggio box shapes - Talk Talk: It's My Life |
563 |
Baritone 6-string guitar (Drop A - AEADF#B) C major arpeggio box shapes (3nps) - Don Henley: Boys Of Summer |
564 |
6-string guitar (EADGBE: standard tuning) C pentatonic major scale box shapes : Dingwall Z3-5 Blue-Green |
565 |
6-string guitar (EADGBE: standard tuning) C major blues scale box shapes : Dingwall ABI 5/3 Pelham Blue |
566 |
6-string guitar (EADGBE: standard tuning) C major-minor arpeggio box shapes : Dingwall Z3-6 Lake Placid Blue |
567 |
6-string guitar (EADGBE: standard tuning) A minor scale (aeolian mode) box shapes - MTD 532-24 Lynn Keller |
568 |
6-string guitar (EADGBE: standard tuning) A minor scale (aeolian mode) box shapes (3nps) - Music Man StingRay5 |
569 |
6-string guitar (EADGBE: standard tuning) A minor arpeggio box shapes - Musicman Stingray 4 "1978" SR4H |
570 |
6-string guitar (EADGBE: standard tuning) A minor arpeggio box shapes (3nps) - Sandberg California TT5 |
571 |
6-string guitar (EADGBE: standard tuning) A pentatonic minor scale box shapes - Mesinger Joker 4P 32" Blackburst |
572 |
6-string guitar (EADGBE: standard tuning) A minor blues scale box shapes - Mayones Jabba Custom JM4 Poplar Top |
573 |
6-string guitar (EADGBE: standard tuning) A minor-diminished arpeggio box shapes - Mesinger Joker 5 Blueburst |
574 |
CAGED4BASS (EADG: Low E) C major scale (ionian mode) box shapes - Mayones Jabba 4 Hadrien Feraud |
575 |
CAGED4BASS (EADG: Low E) C major scale (ionian mode) 3nps box shapes - Sandberg California TT4 Goldburst |
576 |
CAGED4BASS (EADG: Low E) C major arpeggio box shapes - Sandberg TM2 Black "Masterpiece Aged" |
577 |
CAGED4BASS (EADG: Low E) C major arpeggio (3nps) box shapes - Bob Marley : So Much Trouble In The World |
578 |
CAGED4BASS (EADG: Low E) C pentatonic major scale box shapes - Ain't Nothin' Goin' On But The Rent |
579 |
CAGED4BASS (EADG: Low E) C major blues scale box shapes - Lionel Richie : Running With The Night |
580 |
CAGED4BASS (EADG: Low E) C major-minor arpeggio box shapes - B.B. King : The Thrill is Gone |
581 |
AGEDC4BASS (EADG: Low E) A minor scale (aeolian mode) box shapes - Duran Duran : Planet Earth |
582 |
AGEDC4BASS (EADG: Low E) A minor scale (aeolian mode) 3nps box shapes - Everybody's Got To Learn Sometime |
583 |
AGEDC4BASS (EADG: Low E) A minor arpeggio box shapes - The Feeling : Sewn |
584 |
AGEDC4BASS (EADG: Low E) A minor arpeggio (3nps) box shapes - Focus : Hocus Pocus |
585 |
AGEDC4BASS (EADG: Low E) A pentatonic minor scale box shapes - The Cult : She Sells Sanctuary |
586 |
AGEDC4BASS (EADG: Low E) A minor blues scale box shapes - Roberta Flack & Donny Hathaway : Where is the love |
587 |
AGEDC4BASS (EADG: Low E) A minor-diminished arpeggio box shapes - Toto: Hold The Line |
588 |
7-string guitar (Low B - BEADGBE) C major scale (ionian mode) box shapes - AWB: Pick Up The Pieces |
589 |
7-string guitar (Low B - BEADGBE) C major scale (ionian mode) 3nps box shapes - Kings of Leon: Only By The Night |
590 |
7-string guitar (Low B - BEADGBE) C major arpeggio box shapes - Foreigner: Cold As Ice |
591 |
7-string guitar (Low B - BEADGBE) C major arpeggio (3nps) box shapes - Richard Marx: Right Here Waiting |
592 |
7-string guitar (Low B - BEADGBE) C pentatonic major scale box shapes - Gibson Brothers: Cuba |
593 |
7-string guitar (Low B - BEADGBE) C pentatonic major scale pseudo 3nps box shapes - Cult: Love Removal Machine |
594 |
7-string guitar (Low B - BEADGBE) C pentatonic major scale (3131313 sweeps) - Leann Rimes: How Do I Live |
595 |
7-string guitar (Low B - BEADGBE) C pentatonic major scale (1313131 sweeps) - BTO: You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet |
596 |
7-string guitar (Low B - BEADGBE) C major blues scale box shapes - Ram Jam: Black Betty |
597 |
7-string guitar (Low B - BEADGBE) C major-minor arpeggio box shapes - Molly Tuttle: White Freight Liner Blues |
598 |
7-string guitar (Low B - BEADGBE) A minor scale (aeolian mode) box shapes -Stealers W: StuckInTheMiddleWithYou |
599 |
7-string guitar (Low B - BEADGBE) A minor scale (aeolian mode) 3nps box shapes - Detroit Spinners: I'll Be Around |
600 |
7-string guitar (Low B - BEADGBE) A minor arpeggio box shapes - Gloria Estefan: Can't Stay Away From You |
601 |
7-string guitar (Low B - BEADGBE) A minor arpeggio (3nps) box shapes - Warren Zevon: Werewolves Of London |
602 |
7-string guitar (Low B - BEADGBE) A pentatonic minor scale box shapes - Gary Moore: The Loner |
603 |
7-string guitar (Low B - BEADGBE) A pentatonic minor scale pseudo 3nps box shapes - O'Jays: Use Ta Be My Girl |
604 |
7-string guitar (Low B - BEADGBE) A pentatonic minor scale (3131313 sweeps) box shapes - For The Love Of Money |
605 |
7-string guitar (Low B - BEADGBE) A pentatonic minor scale (1313131 sweeps) box shapes - O'Jays: I Love Music |
606 |
7-string guitar (Low B - BEADGBE) A minor blues scale box shapes - Whitney Houston: Million Dollar Bill |
607 |
7-string guitar (Low B - BEADGBE) A minor-diminished arpeggio box shapes - Stereophonics: Maybe Tomorrow |
608 |
6-string guitar (EADGBE) C pentatonic major scale pseudo 3nps box shapes - Culture Club: ChurchOfThePoisonMind |
609 |
6-string guitar (EADGBE) C pentatonic major scale (313131 sweeps) box shapes - Jamiroquai: Blow Your Mind |
610 |
6-string guitar (EADGBE) C pentatonic major scale (131313 sweeps) box shapes - J'quai: ReturnOfTheSpaceCowboy |
611 |
6-string guitar (EADGBE) A pentatonic minor scale pseudo 3nps box shapes - S Stevens: Merry Christmas Everyone |
612 |
6-string guitar (EADGBE) A pentatonic minor scale (313131 sweeps) box shapes - Rea: Driving Home For Christmas |
613 |
6-string guitar (EADGBE) A pentatonic minor scale (131313 sweeps) box shapes - Mica Paris: Where Is The Love |
614 |
5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) C major arpeggio box shapes - Jennifer Hudson: Spotlight |
615 |
5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) C major arpeggio (3nps) box shapes - Earth Wind & Fire: September |
616 |
5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) C major scale (ionian mode) box shapes - Randy Crawford: You Might Need Somebody |
617 |
5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) C major scale (ionian mode) box shapes (3nps) - Lee Ann Womack: I Hope You Dance |
618 |
5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) C pentatonic major scale box shapes - The Brothers Johnson: Stomp! |
619 |
5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) C pentatonic major scale box shapes (pseudo 3nps) - Ace: How Long |
620 |
5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) C pentatonic major scale box shapes (31313 sweeps) - Lady Antebellum: NeedYouNow |
621 |
5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) C pentatonic major scale box shapes (13131 sweeps) - George Benson: Give Me Night |
622 |
5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) C major-minor arpeggio box shapes - Lionel Richie: Hello |
623 |
5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) C major blues scale box shapes - Whitesnake: Here I Go Again |
624 |
5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) C natural octave shapes - Whitesnake: Is This Love |
625 |
5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) A minor arpeggio box shapes - Craig David: Fill Me In |
626 |
5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) A minor arpeggio (3nps) box shapes - Teddy Pendergrass: Love T.K.O |
627 |
5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) A minor scale (aeolian mode) box shapes - EW&F: Got To Get You Into My Life |
628 |
5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) A minor scale (aeolian mode) box shapes (3nps) - Moloko: The Time Is Now |
629 |
5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) A minor blues scale box shapes - Kelly Clarkson: Because Of You |
630 |
5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) A minor-diminished arpeggio box shapes - Peter Gabriel: Solsbury Hill |
631 |
5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) A pentatonic minor scale box shapes - Culture Club: Time (Clock of the Heart) |
632 |
5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) A pentatonic minor scale box shapes (pseudo 3nps) - Rainbow: Since You've Been Gone |
633 |
5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) A pentatonic minor scale box shapes (31313 sweeps) - The Smiths: This Charming Man |
634 |
5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) A pentatonic minor scale box shapes (13131 sweeps) - The Eagles: Desperado |
635 |
5-string bass (B0 standard - BEADG) A natural octave shapes - Sylvester: You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real) |
636 |
CAGED4BASS (Low E - BEADG) C pentatonic major scale box shapes (pseudo 3nps) - Diana Ross: I'm Coming Out |
637 |
CAGED4BASS (Low E - BEADG) C pentatonic major scale box shapes (3131 sweeps) - Patty Smyth: Sometimes Love.. |
638 |
CAGED4BASS (Low E - BEADG) C pentatonic major scale box shapes (1313 sweeps) - Pink Floyd: Another Brick In The Wall |
639 |
AGEDC4BASS (Low E - BEADG) A pentatonic minor scale box shapes (pseudo 3nps) - Steve Vai: For The Love Of God |
640 |
AGEDC4BASS (Low E - BEADG) A pentatonic minor scale box shapes (3131 sweeps) - Edwin Starr: War |
641 |
AGEDC4BASS (Low E - BEADG) A pentatonic minor scale box shapes (1313 sweeps) - AWB: Pick Up The Pieces |
642 |
6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) C major arpeggio box shapes - Bob Seger: Roll Me Away |
643 |
6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) C major arpeggio box shapes (3nps) - Breathe: Hands To Heaven |
644 |
6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) C major scale (ionian mode) box shapes - Ashanti: Foolish |
645 |
6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) C major scale (ionian mode) box shapes (3nps) - Amy Winehouse: Take The Box |
646 |
6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) C pentatonic major scale box shapes - The Whispers: And The Beat Goes On |
647 |
6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) C pentatonic major scale box shapes (pseudo 3nps) - Shalamar: A Night To Remember |
648 |
6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) C pentatonic major scale box shapes (313131 sweeps) - EC: Change The World |
649 |
6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) C pentatonic major scale box shapes (131313 sweeps) - Vandross: Never Too Much |
650 |
6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) C major-minor arpeggio box shapes - Billy Paul: Me & Mrs Jones |
651 |
6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) C major blues box shapes - M. Gaye & T. Terrell: You're All I Need To Get By |
652 |
6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) A minor arpeggio box shapes - Boyz II Men: End Of The Road |
653 |
6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) A minor arpeggio box shapes (3nps) - Cream: Sunshine Of Your Love |
654 |
6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) A minor scale (aeolian mode) box shapes - Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell: Ain't Nothing Like the Real Thing |
655 |
6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) A minor scale (aeolian mode) box shapes (3nps) - Dua Lipa: Be The One |
656 |
6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) A pentatonic minor scale box shapes - Jamiroquai: Space Cowboy |
657 |
6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) A pentatonic minor scale box shapes (pseudo 3nps) - Pussycat Dolls: Stickwitu |
658 |
6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) A pentatonic minor scale box shapes (313131 sweeps) - Bob Marley: Waiting In Vain |
659 |
6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) A pentatonic minor scale box shapes (131313 sweeps) - Human League: Love Action |
660 |
6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) A minor-diminished arpeggio box shapes - Luther Vandross: So Amazing |
661 |
6-string bass (B0 standard - BEADGC) A minor blues scale box shapes - Van McCoy: The Hustle |
662 |
6-string guitar (Drop D - DADGBE) C major arpeggio box shapes - Incognito: Everyday |
663 |
6-string guitar (Drop D - DADGBE) C major arpeggio box shapes (3nps) - Santana: The Game Of Love |
664 |
6-string guitar (Drop D - DADGBE) C major scale (ionian mode) box shapes - NaradaMichaelWalden: I ShouldaLovedYa |
665 |
6-string guitar (Drop D - DADGBE) C major scale (ionian mode) box shapes (3nps) - Eric Clapton: Bad Love |
666 |
6-string guitar (Drop D - DADGBE) C pentatonic major scale box shapes - New Radicals: You Get What You Give |
667 |
6-string guitar (Drop D - DADGBE) C pentatonic major scale box shapes (pseudo 3nps) - Hall & Oates: Out Of Touch |
668 |
6-string guitar (Drop D - DADGBE) C pentatonic major scale box shapes (31313 sweeps) - Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes: The Love I Lost |
669 |
6-string guitar (Drop D - DADGBE) C pentatonic major scale box shapes (13131 sweeps) - Wet Wet Wet: Goodnight Girl |
670 |
6-string guitar (Drop D - DADGBE) C major-minor arpeggio box shapes - Sade: Never As Good As The First Time |
671 |
6-string guitar (Drop D - DADGBE) C major blues scale box shapes - Duran Duran: Save a Prayer 'Til the Morning After |
672 |
6-string guitar (Drop D - DADGBE) A minor arpeggio box shapes - Lee Ann Womack: I Hope You Dance |
674 |
6-string guitar (Drop D - DADGBE) A minor scale (aeolian mode) box shapes - The O'Jays: Love Train |
673 |
6-string guitar (Drop D - DADGBE) A minor arpeggio box shapes (3nps) - Edwin Starr: War |
675 |
6-string guitar (Drop D - DADGBE) A minor scale (aeolian mode) box shapes (3nps) - Odyssey: Native New Yorker |
676 |
6-string guitar (Drop D - DADGBE) A pentatonic minor scale box shapes - Jon Secada: Just Another Day |
677 |
6-string guitar (Drop D - DADGBE) A pentatonic minor scale box shapes (pseudo 3nps) - Staind: It's Been Awhile |
678 |
6-string guitar (Drop D - DADGBE) A pentatonic minor scale box shapes (31313 sweeps) - Mary J Blige: No More Drama |
679 |
6-string guitar (Drop D - DADGBE) A pentatonic minor scale box shapes (13131 sweeps) - Lisa Stansfield: All Around The World |
680 |
6-string guitar (Drop D - DADGBE) A minor-diminished arpeggio box shapes - Chic: Good Times |
681 |
6-string guitar (Drop D - DADGBE) A minor blues scale box shapes - Evelyn "Champagne" King: I'm In Love |
682 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBC) C major arpeggio box shapes - George Benson: Use Me |
683 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBC) C major arpeggio box shapes (3nps) - Air Supply: All Out Of Love |
684 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBC) C major scale (ionian mode) box shapes - The Detroit Spinners: I'ts A Shame |
685 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBC) C major scale (ionian mode) box shapes (3nps) - Vandross: Give Me The Reason |
686 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBC) C pentatonic major scale box shapes - Cutting Crew: Been In Love Before |
687 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBC) C pentatonic major scale box shapes (pseudo 3nps) - Moloko: Sing It Back |
688 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBC) C pentatonic major scale box shapes (3131313 sweeps) - Daft Punk: Get Lucky |
689 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBC) C pentatonic major scale box shapes (1313131 sweeps) - Foreigner: Dirty White Boy |
690 |
Baritone VI guitar (E1 standard tuning - EADGBC) C major scale (ionian mode) box shapes - The O'Jays: Love Train |
691 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBC) C major blues scale box shapes - Alphaville: Big In Japan |
692 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBC) C major-minor arpeggio box shapes - Don Henley: The End Of The Innocence |
693 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBC) A minor arpeggio box shapes - Barry Manilow: Could It Be Magic |
694 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBC) A minor arpeggio box shapes (3nps) - The Young Rascals: Groovin' |
695 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBC) A minor scale (aeolian mode) box shapes - Cream: Badge |
696 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBC) A minor scale (aeolian mode) box shapes (3nps) - Hard Fi: Hard To Beat |
697 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBC) A pentatonic minor scale box shapes - Diana Ross: Upside Down |
698 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBC) A pentatonic minor scale box shapes (pseudo 3nps) - Depeche Mode: Personal Jesus |
699 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBC) A pentatonic minor scale box shapes (3131313 sweeps) - Cutting Crew: I Just... |
700 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBC) A pentatonic minor scale box shapes (1313131 sweeps) - Mr Big: To Be With You |
701 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBC) A minor blues scale box shapes - Soundgarden: Black Hole Sun |
702 |
8-string guitar (Drop E - EBEADGBC) A minor-diminished arpeggio box shapes - RHCP: Under The Bridge |
703 |
7-string guitar (Drop A - AEADGBE) C major arpeggio box shapes - Stereophoncs: Just Looking |
704 |
7-string guitar (Drop A - AEADGBE) C major scale (ionian mode) box shapes - Stevie W: Don'tYouWorry'BoutAThing |
705 |
7-string guitar (Drop A - AEADGBE) C major arpeggio box shapes (3nps) - COTB: Give Me Just A Little More Time |
706 |
7-string guitar (Drop A - AEADGBE) C major scale (ionian mode) box shapes (3nps)-JoyDivision:LoveWillTearUsApart |
707 |
7-string guitar (Drop A - AEADGBE) C pentatonic major scale box shapes - Gloria Gaynor: Never Can Say Goodbye |
708 |
7-string guitar (Drop A - AEADGBE) C pentatonic major scale box shapes (pseudo 3nps) - Moloko: The Time Is Now |
709 |
7-string guitar (Drop A - AEADGBE) C pentatonic major scale box shapes (313131 sweeps) - K&TG: Jungle Boogie |
710 |
7-string guitar (Drop A - AEADGBE) C pentatonic major scale box shapes (131313 sweeps) - ATOH: A TasteOfHoney |
711 |
7-string guitar (Drop A - AEADGBE) C major blues scale box shapes - Bad Company: Can't Get Enough |
712 |
7-string guitar (Drop A - AEADGBE) C major-minor arpeggio box shapes - The Zutons: Valerie |
713 |
7-string guitar (Drop A - AEADGBE) A minor arpeggio box shapes - Slade: Merry Xmas Everybody |
714 |
7-string guitar (Drop A - AEADGBE) A minor scale (aeolian mode) box shapes - The Emotions: Best Of My Love |
715 to 716 : Temporarily held in abeyance |
717 |
7-string guitar (Drop A - AEADGBE) A pentatonic major scale box shapes - Bjork: Venus As A Boy |
718 |
7-string guitar (Drop A - AEADGBE) A pentatonic minor scale box shapes (pseudo 3nps)-Lake:IBelieveInFatherXmas |
719 |
7-string guitar (Drop A - AEADGBE) A pentatonic minor scale box shapes (313131 sweeps) - Bob Marley: SMTitW |
720 |
7-string guitar (Drop A - AEADGBE) A pentatonic minor scale box shapes (131313 sweeps) - Kajagoogoo: Too Shy |
721 to 763 : Temporarily held in abeyance |
764 |
Meshuggah's 4-string bass (F B♭ E♭ A♭) C major scale (ionian mode) box shapes - Meshuggah: Combustion |
765 |
Meshuggah's 4-string bass (F B♭ E♭ A♭) C major scale (ionian mode) box shapes (3nps) - ABBA: One Of Us |
766 |
Meshuggah's 4-string bass (F B♭ E♭ A♭) C major arpeggio box shapes - The Smiths: Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now |
767 |
Meshuggah's 4-string bass (F B♭ E♭ A♭) C major arpeggio box shapes (intra-3nps) - ABC: Poison Arrow |
768 |
Meshuggah's 4-string bass (F B♭ E♭ A♭) C pentatonic major scale box shapes - Shalamar: Friends |
769 |
Meshuggah's 4-string bass (F B♭ E♭ A♭) C pentatonic major scale box shapes (pseudo 3nps) - Buggles: Video Killed The Radio Star |
770 |
Meshuggah's 4-string bass (F B♭ E♭ A♭) C pentatonic major scale box shapes (3131 sweeps) - Omar: There's Nothing Like This |
771 |
Meshuggah's 4-string bass (F B♭ E♭ A♭) C pentatonic major scale box shapes (1313 sweeps) - Sophie Ellis-Bextor: Murder On The Dancefloor |
772 |
Meshuggah's 4-string bass (F B♭ E♭ A♭) C major blues scale box shapes - Sade: Your Love Is King |
773 |
Meshuggah's 4-string bass (F B♭ E♭ A♭) C major-minor arpeggio box shapes - Madonna: Like A Prayer |
774 to 783 : Temporarily held in abeyance |
784 |
6-string guitar (6/7ths guitar tuning - BEADGB) C major scale (ionian mode) box shapes - Temptations: My Girl |
785 |
6-string guitar (6/7ths guitar tuning - BEADGB) C major scale (ionian mode) box shapes (3nps) - Radiohead: High & Dry |
786 |
6-string guitar (6/7ths guitar tuning - BEADGB) C major arpeggio box shapes - Bob Marley: I Shot The Sheriff |
787 |
6-string guitar (6/7ths guitar tuning - BEADGB) C major arpeggio box shapes (intra-3nps) |
788 |
6-string guitar (6/7ths guitar tuning - BEADGB) C pentatonic major scale box shapes - The Trammps: Disco Inferno |
789 |
6-string guitar (6/7ths guitar tuning - BEADGB) C pentatonic major scale box shapes (pseudo 3nps) |
790 |
6-string guitar (6/7ths guitar tuning - BEADGB) C pentatonic major scale box shapes (313131 sweeps) |
791 |
6-string guitar (6/7ths guitar tuning - BEADGB) C pentatonic major scale box shapes (131313 sweeps) |
792 |
6-string guitar (6/7ths guitar tuning - BEADGB) C major blues scale box shapes - The Cure: Boys Don't Cry |
793 |
6-string guitar (6/7ths guitar tuning - BEADGB) C major-minor arpeggio box shapes - Black Dog: Led Zeppelin |
794 |
6-string guitar (6/7ths guitar tuning - BEADGB) A minor scale (aeolian mode) box shapes - RHCP: This Velvet Glove |
795 |
6-string guitar (6/7ths guitar tuning - BEADGB) A minor arpeggio box shapes - Jamiroquai: Too Young To Die |
796 |
6-string guitar (6/7ths guitar tuning - BEADGB) A minor scale (aeolian mode) box shapes (3nps) |
797 |
6-string guitar (6/7ths guitar tuning - BEADGB) A minor arpeggio box shapes (intra-3nps) |
798 |
6-string guitar (6/7ths guitar tuning - BEADGB) A pentatonic minor scale box shapes - Siouxsie & the Banshees: Hong Kong Garden |
799 |
6-string guitar (6/7ths guitar tuning - BEADGB) A pentatonic minor scale box shapes (pseudo 3nps) |
800 |
6-string guitar (6/7ths guitar tuning - BEADGB) A pentatonic minor scale box shapes (313131 sweeps) |
801 |
6-string guitar (6/7ths guitar tuning - BEADGB) A pentatonic minor scale box shapes (131313 sweeps) |
802 |
6-string guitar (6/7ths guitar tuning - BEADGB) A minor blues scale box shapes - System Of A Down: Chop Suey! |
803 |
6-string guitar (6/7ths guitar tuning - BEADGB) A minor-diminished arpeggio box shapes - Staind: Outside |
804 to 823 : Temporarily held in abeyance |
824:B1 |
7-string guitar (B1 standard - BEADGBE) C major scale (ionian mode) box shapes - Anita Baker: Sweet Love |
824:F♯1 |
7-string baritone guitar (F♯1 standard - F♯BEADF♯B) C major scale (ionian mode) box shapes - Radiohead: No Surprises |
825:B1 |
7-string guitar (B1 standard - BEADGBE) C major scale (ionian mode) box shapes (3nps) - Sade: Is It A Crime |
825:F♯1 |
7-string baritone guitar (F♯1 standard - F♯BEADF♯B) C major scale (ionian mode) box shapes (3nps) - Nirvana: Lithium |
826:B1 |
7-string guitar (B1 standard - BEADGBE) C major arpeggio box shapes - Bryan Adams: Run To You |
826:F♯1 |
7-string baritone guitar (F♯1 standard - F♯BEADF♯B) C major arpeggio box shapes - Evelyn King: I'm in love |
827:B1 |
7-string guitar (B1 standard - BEADGBE) C major arpeggio (intra-3nps) box shapes - Journey: Who's Crying Now |